So finally, two years later: a reason to update this page. If you are seeing this , it is because you have been asked about getting in on taking over Sam's Place on Long Island. As I stated, I believe, that without a "base" like Sam's Place, our family will have to give up on Grandma Marian's land. As previously mentioned, the cost to buy out Aunt Ginny and Jean is around 100k. But I want to be clear, this shouldn't be viewed as a money making opportunity. I don't know the books over there, and while I believe the place makes enough to pay for itself, I am not certain. Additionally, once we buy out the remainder of the mortgages, and take it over, we need to be ready to take over actually managing the place. It is not realistic to expect Ginny and Jean to run the place for us indefinitely. That means, among us, we need to come up with a plan to get people over there to learn from Ginny and to be ready to split up time over there so that someone is alway...